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Post 18 Pathways

'Students who inspectors spoke with said they are happy at the school and were positive about the support they receive from all staff. They also said they receive good careers advice and guidance on applications for university. Over 85% of learners went on to university last year. Many secured their first choice.’ Ofsted March 2016 

Careers advice and guidance on future pathways are seen as a priority focus in the Sixth Form. Students are given a wide variety of expert advice and information on a wide range of possible options once they have completed their courses with us. Guest speakers are regularly invited into School to run workshops and the tutorial programme delivers a great of support for application writing and applying to universities. We encourage students to get ahead of the game by starting this process early and all students are required to complete a relevant Work Placement in the first year of their study. Students will take part in several Sixth Form Issues Days during their two years with us and these are specifically designed to build the practical skills needed in their future careers as well as enabling them to develop a highly competitive CV.

University Pathway


The Uni Guide 

What Uni

Russell Group Universities 

Top Universities - Oxbridge 

Student Finance 


Apprenticeship Pathway - Apprenticeships

Rate my Apprenticeship

Not Going to Uni

Career Advice - UCAS

MMU Degree Apprenticeships

Applying for Degree Apprenticeships - MMU 



Glossopdale School & Sixth Form

Glossopdale School, Newshaw Ln, Hadfield, Glossop SK13 2DA