Careers Information Advice and Guidance
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Glossopdale School
Rationale for CEIAG
There is a need for a planned programme of activities, learning and support to be delivered to young people to enable them to make decisions and plan their careers. Careers education refers to a planned programme of activities within the curriculum that helps young people to gain the knowledge and understanding, and develop the skills and confidence, to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work. Information Advice and guidance (IAG) enables individuals to use the knowledge and skills developed through careers education to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them. It includes:
Careers information - accurate and up to date information on options in learning, progression routes, career opportunities and sources of help and support. This is delivered through a variety of different methods such as Tutor periods, Careers Live (Guest Speakers), Thrive days, Y12 Work Experience, Futures Day for Year 10 to name a few.
Impartial careers advice - to help young people gather, understand and interpret information and apply it to their own situation. This is carried out through University links, 1-2-1 careers guidance with Mrs Joanne Green, a qualified adviser and registered member of the Careers Development Institute who works across the True Learning Partnership, guest speakers in assemblies and small groups. A wide range of employers and industries are represented.
Impartial careers guidance - to help young people understand themselves and their needs, aspirations and influences on them and to make choices that are right for them.
CEIAG includes information, advice and guidance on careers but extends to other personal wellbeing issues that young people face, some of which may present obstacles to progression and achievement in learning and work, e.g. health, welfare, financial issues. The majority of this is delivered through our tutorial programme, pastoral system in school, THRIVE days, Well being Ambassadors,mentoring and Assemblies.
Glossopdale School is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all students in years 7-13 and information, advice and guidance in partnership with external agencies.
Glossopdale School is committed to Work Related Learning at Key Stage 4 and KS5 through vocational courses and Yr 12 work experience, Futures day in Yr10 and we believe all young people should have the opportunity to recognise, experience and develop the key skills for employment.
Glossopdale School believes that ‘Every Child Matters’ and is committed to integrating this into the careers programme. It is designed to encourage enterprising behaviour and develop key skills, particularly where enterprise and work related learning is embedded in the curriculum. It is also intended to raise achievement and aspirations, value careers education, enjoy learning and ensure students’ progress as well as they can. The careers programme enables students to engage in decision-making through a clear Student Leadership structure and to help plan positive futures for all. The PSHE programme, which incorporates careers, promotes positive engagement with community and environment and positive relationships.
Glossopdale School is fully committed to the Provider Access Legislation 2023 (Baker Clause) This shows our commitment to providing opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all Year 8 to 13 students, to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. This is an area we are developing further but our current partners in this include Sheffield University through Careers Live, Glossop Business Network, DEBP (Careers live and Year 9 Careers day), D2N2 (Apprenticeships to all years, Year 9 careers days and Careers live), The Careers and Enterprise Company and Derbyshire Work and Pensions department (Apprenticeships and Labour market information to Year 10 - live sessions).
Key objectives include:
To develop a range of opportunities which enhance the curriculum
To promote greater awareness for students about the world of work.
The development of key skills and employability
To promote understanding of work, industry, the economy and community
To develop students personal and social skills in relationships in a range of contexts.
To provide students with informed and impartial guidance on the post 16 and Post 18 choices available.
To prepare and enable students to access IAG
To support and assist students in progressing to learning beyond 16 and 18
To ensure students access and benefit from external guidance provision
To provide a coherent IAG curriculum from Year 7-18
To develop the alternative education curriculum
To provide vocational, enterprise and work related learning as well as an academic curriculum.
All staff contribute to careers education and IAG through their roles as form tutors and subject teachers. The careers programme itself is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Director of Personal Development (Years 7 to 11) in consultation with the Careers adviser who provides specialist 1-2-1 and group careers guidance. The Post 16 programme is planned by the Assistant Principal Post 16 in consultation with the Director of Personal Development, Careers Advisor, Head of Sixth Form and Vocational programme leader. The school’s Vocational Programme Leader oversees the wide variety of vocational courses offered and ensures the monitoring and quality of teaching, learning and assessment in these areas.
Assessment and accreditation
Vocational qualifications such as BTEC level 2 and level 3 and Cambridge Nationals and Technicals take place across the curriculum. Also, Duke of Edinburgh and the opportunity for extended work experience in vocational areas are available.
Our partnerships are continuing to grow and flourish. These partnerships include:
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce
Derbyshire Education Business Partnership
GM HIgher
Members of Glossop business network and the body as a whole.
Speakers for Schools
Derbyshire Advisors (Childrens Services) and cluster groups
Our School Enterprise Ambassador is Kathy Ford (A local Entrepreneur).
Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
The Director of Personal Development reports regularly to the School leadership team and governors. Feedback is gained from the students through Evaluation sheets (via Google Forms), Student Council and the Student Leaders. Quality Assurance is ascertained through regular learning walks during Tutor Period and Staff Consultation. Since Sept 2021, students work in PD Exercise books which will also feed into the monitoring,reviewing and evaluation process
Parental access to careers guidance
Parents can contact the school for advice via the Director of Personal Development in school.
Phone: 01457 862336