To aspire, endeavour and thrive together
School Photos
Duke of Edinburgh Information Evening
Flu Vaccinations Years 7/8/9
Macmillan Coffee Morning (Organised by Student Council)
DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition KS4
KS4 Parents Information Evening -Times TBC
Y10 Trip to Paris
Y7 Meet the Tutor and Parent Information Evening -Times TBC
Y6 Open Evening (Early Closure for Y7-11)
KS3 Parents Information Evening
Primary School Dance Day
Tue 20th August
Thu 15th August
Congratulations to all of our students on their fantastic achievements & examination results. Successfully completing A Level courses takes a lot of motivation and determination and we are very proud of all of them. It was great to show everyone the new facilities! #alevel2024
Wed 31st July
Please follow the link to the letter sent from the Sixth Form team for more details. We look forward to seeing you all on the 15th.